What Temperature Do I Run My Still At? - Aussie Brewer - Craft Brewing Supplies (2024)

Different stills run at different temperatures, and if in doubt you should check ­with the manufacturer/supplier of your particular brand of still. However majority of stills are designed to run similarly. The temperature that ethyl alcohol boils off at is 78C-82C and therefore if your still has a temperature gauge in the top of the condenser (usually in a rubber bung situated at the top) it should run between 78C-82C (with 78C being ideal). If your still has a water outlet thermometer to gauge the temperature, it usually sits between 50C-65C (dependant on the brand of still). For an Essencia Express Condenser (or Essencia water outlet thermometer used with any still) the temperature is 50C-55C. With a Turbo 500 Condenser, the water outlet temperature should sit between 55C-65C (with 60C being the ideal).

What Temperature Do I Run My Still At? - Aussie Brewer - Craft Brewing Supplies (2024)


What Temperature Do I Run My Still At? - Aussie Brewer - Craft Brewing Supplies? ›

However majority of stills are designed to run similarly. The temperature that ethyl alcohol boils off at is 78C-82C and therefore if your still has a temperature gauge in the top of the condenser (usually in a rubber bung situated at the top) it should run between 78C-82C (with 78C being ideal).

What temperature should you run a still at? ›

Many distillers will cut off their run somewhere around 205 - 207 degrees, knowing that the last 10% or so of alcohol left in the mash won't be worth it. Letting the still heat over 212 degrees is great if you're looking to distill water, however.

What temperature do you distill still spirits? ›

The temperature will gradually rise throughout the distillation. At the beginning of the run, you can expect a temperature of around 75 - 78°C (167 - 172°F) and this would go up 95 - 98°C (203 - 208°F) during the run.

What temperature should a reflux still be? ›

We recommend that you run the T500 condenser in the temperature range of 55-65°C (131-149°F) for best results.

How do you control the temperature of a boiler during distillation? ›

Reboiler and condenser heat duty: The primary means of controlling temperature in a distillation column is by adjusting the heat input (reboiler duty) and heat removal (condenser duty). Reflux ratio: Increasing the reflux ratio can lower the top section temperature, while decreasing it can raise the temperature.

What happens if you run a still too hot? ›

Running your still too fast or too hot will guarantee that the temperature of your azeotropic blend increases to the point that more “other” vapor is being released faster than or equal to ethanol vapor. This results in low proof, smeared cuts, and early tails.

At what percentage should you stop distilling? ›

Depending on what you wish to do, and what you're making, you can stop collecting the distillate once the ABV drops to 10% or below, although some stop it even higher.

How do you know when moonshine is done distilling? ›

The cut off point for the tails can be identified by the taste, smell and milky cloudiness of the distillate. This is done by collecting a few drops on the back of a spoon every so often and checking what it tastes or looks like on a regular basis.

Do I need a thumper for my still? ›

A thumper setup allows for a secondary distillation without having to run the distillate a second time. Based on the design parameters, the use of a parasitic kettle may require more BTUs to run than a single distilling kettle, but likely not as many BTUs when compared to running two completely separate distillations.

What is the difference between distillation and reflux? ›

Key Differences

Purpose: Distillation separates components based on volatility, whereas reflux allows a reaction to proceed under controlled conditions. Outcome: The outcome of distillation is a purified product, while reflux leads to reaction completion or product formation.

Why can't a distillation take place in a closed system? ›

If the system is kept closed, then the vaporized liquid component will rapidly increase the pressure inside the apparatus far beyond standard atmospheric pressure of 1 atm. This will likely break the glass apparatus and cause an explosion if a flammable component is present.

How long does it take to run a reflux still? ›

So, at this production rate, a run would take: 1 hour for set up + 1-1/2 hours for heat up + 7 hours for production + 1 hour for clean up = 10-1/2 hours complete distillation day (for a reflux run).

What is the temperature difference required for distillation? ›


What temperature to boil mash for moonshine? ›

Here's how to make moonshine mash:

Pour 5 gallons of water into the pot and boil it to 165°F. Turn off heat and stir in flaked corn maize or chosen sugary grain. Stir for about 7 minutes. Stir for 30 seconds every 5 minutes until mash cools to 152°F.

Why is there a drop in temperature during distillation? ›

Remember that the vapor must heat the glassware to the boiling point of the condensing liquid before it can evaporate again and rise through the apparatus. Because the distillation is performed in a fume-hood, the constant air-flow inside the hood also cools the apparatus.

Is moonshine better cold or warm? ›

Either way—it depends on your preference and the type of drink. For example, you might drink straight moonshine at room temperature. Or, warm up some apple pie moonshine for a toasty, comforting drink on a cold fall or winter night. You can also drink it as a chilled co*cktail with ginger ale or iced tea.

What temperature to cook mash for moonshine? ›

Here's how to make moonshine mash:

Pour 5 gallons of water into the pot and boil it to 165°F. Turn off heat and stir in flaked corn maize or chosen sugary grain. Stir for about 7 minutes. Stir for 30 seconds every 5 minutes until mash cools to 152°F.

How long does a still run take? ›

It can take 2-5 hours for a run. Plan your time appropriately. You should never leave your still once you turn it on until you turn it off.

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