vikaspedia Domains (2024)

Indira Gandhi National Old Age Pension Scheme

  1. Eligibility
  2. Benefits
  3. How to apply

The scheme is implemented as part of the National Social Assistance Program (NSAP) of the Ministry of Rural Development, Government of India. It is a non-contributory scheme and provides a monthly income for citizens or to refugees above 60 years, who have no other source of income.


  1. Age : 60 years and above
  2. Should be Below Poverty Line (BPL).


A monthly pension of Rs 600 - Rs 1000 depending upon the state share of the pension.

How to apply

Given below are the steps that the applicant must follow to apply to the IGNOAP Scheme.

  • To apply to this scheme, the applicants in the rural area must visit the Block Development Office and the District Social Welfare Officer to apply for the IGNOAP scheme in the urban area.
  • Visit the Social Welfare Department in your area and get the application form. Provide appropriate details in the form when filling it. The form contains the following fields:
    • State/District/Block
    • Name of the village panchayat
    • Society name
    • Beneficiary name
    • Heir’s name
    • House number
    • Gender
    • Age in years
    • Date of birth
    Birth certificate
    • Annual income and certificate /BPL card
    • Domicile certificate
    • Certificate issuance date
    • EPIC Number

Some of the mandatory documents include BPL card, photo, Aadhaar Number, Bank Pass Book, Age proof certificate. The duly filled form must be attached with the supporting documents and submitted to the social welfare officer. The application will be thoroughly scrutinized and verified by the social welfare officer. The Social Welfare Department will then recommend the beneficiaries to the district social welfare officer. If the verification process is complete and the form is sanctioned by the district social welfare officer, the final sanction would be done by District Level Sanctioning Committee.

Sample copy of the application form

Last Modified : 6/11/2021




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vikaspedia Domains (2024)


What is the difference between content based assessment and competence based assessment? ›

A content-based teaching and learning is based on the rote memorization of factual knowledge while competence-based teaching and learning focuses on understanding the concepts, skills and competencies which in turn calls for changes in teaching, learning and assessment approaches (Posner, 1995).

Which are the three enabling conditions for competency-based education in India? ›

The three enabling conditions are:

Access to technology: In these times when online education is booming, access to good internet facilities at affordable rates is a must. A suitable method for assessment: Competency-based education is personalized and focuses more on practical knowledge rather than factual knowledge.

What is the meaning of competency-based education? ›

Competency-based education is a system in which:

Students progress based on evidence of mastery, not seat time. Students learn actively using different pathways and varied pacing. Strategies to ensure equity for all students are embedded in the culture, structure, and pedagogy of schools and education systems.

How would you identify the competencies related to your subject? ›

Rather than just testing for head knowledge, competencies focus on the practical understanding that a student has of the subject. These competencies can be based on: Understanding of key concepts. Ability to apply knowledge to meaningful problems.

How do you answer competency-based questions examples? ›

For every answer you give identify the: Situation/task - describe the task that needed to be completed or the situation you were confronted with. For example, 'I led a group of colleagues in a team presentation to potential clients'. Action - Explain what you did and how and why you did it.

What are the 3 categories of a competency-based assessment? ›

Competency-based assessments provide insight in: what the students knows, still needs to learn, has learned, and where the institution can improve. There are three categories of assessments: prior learning assessments, summative assessments and formative assessments.

What are the cons of competency based learning? ›

Weaknesses (Cons) Of Competency-Based Learning

It is also not seen as suitable for situations where new skills and new knowledge need to be rapidly accommodated. There is a focus on employer needs rather than on the longer-term outlook of learners, with less focus on preparing them for an uncertain future.

What are the three models of CBI? ›

The three main models for CBI are the theme-based language instruction model, the sheltered content instruction model, and the adjunct language instruction model. The theme-based language instruction model focuses on language learning around a unique theme.

What is an example of a competency-based curriculum? ›

Examples of open-source competency-based curriculum resources include EL Education, English Language Arts (ELA), life science curriculum (only for K-5 and built for the EL network), and Open Up Resources, which offers standards-based open content for ELA and math.

What is the main aim of competency-based curriculum? ›

A competency-based curriculum is a curriculum that emphasizes what learners are expected to do rather than mainly focusing on what they are expected to know. In principle, such a curriculum is learner-centred and adaptive to the changing needs of students, teachers, and society.

What are the competency-based questions? ›

Our top 10 competency-based interview questions will help you recruit the skills your team needs.
  • What are your greatest strengths? ...
  • What will your skills and ideas bring to this company? ...
  • What have you achieved elsewhere? ...
  • How have you improved in the last year?

What are the 7 competencies of education? ›

What are the seven core competencies of the Competency-Based Curriculum?
  • Communication and collaboration.
  • Critical thinking and problem solving.
  • Imagination and creativity.
  • Citizenship.
  • Learning to learn.
  • Self-efficacy.
  • Digital literacy.

What personality traits do teachers need to be successful? ›

The Top 14 Qualities that Make a Good Teacher
  • Adaptability. Adaptability is a must for teachers, who need to continuously evaluate what's working for their students — and even more importantly, what isn't working. ...
  • Empathy. ...
  • Patience. ...
  • Engagement. ...
  • Active Listening. ...
  • Lifelong Learning. ...
  • Free of Bias. ...
  • Respectful Attitude.

How do you write a good competency statement? ›

Make the competency definition behaviorally-based.

This ensures the competency can be verified (such as on the applicant's resume) and assessed through measurable behaviors. One way to do this is to incorporate action verbs (e.g., "Recognizes", "Identifies", "Organizes") into the competency definitions.

What is the difference between content and competency? ›

The content standard doesn't go away; it becomes part of the learning that builds up to the competency and the opportunities for a learner to demonstrate what they know and are able to do – combining their different types of knowledge, skills they've practiced and dispositions they're cultivating.

What is a competency-based assessment? ›

What is competency-based assessment? A competency based assessment is a way to measure competency for a vocational skill. To prove their competency, the learner must demonstrate an ability to work through specific units of competency using the benchmarks provided by industry-defined standards.

What is content based assessment? ›

Content-based assessment aims at determining to what extent the learner has mastered the teaching content. Assessment is therefore content-based.

What is the difference between content standard and performance standard and learning competencies? ›

Performance Standards are concrete statements of how well students must learn what is set out in the content standards, often called the "be able to do" of "what students should know and be able to do" Performance standards specify "how good is good enough." They are the indicators of quality that specify how adept or ...

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Name: Fredrick Kertzmann

Birthday: 2000-04-29

Address: Apt. 203 613 Huels Gateway, Ralphtown, LA 40204

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Job: Regional Design Producer

Hobby: Nordic skating, Lacemaking, Mountain biking, Rowing, Gardening, Water sports, role-playing games

Introduction: My name is Fredrick Kertzmann, I am a gleaming, encouraging, inexpensive, thankful, tender, quaint, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.