Usury – The General Rule and its Exemptions | William J. Tucker Law (2024)

Since 1979, the California Constitution, Article XV, section 1 has provided that the maximum rate which may be charged for money or goods which are for use primarily for personal, family or household purposes is 10%. It further provides that for any other non-personal, family or household purposes, the maximum rate which may be charged is 10% or 5% plus the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco’s rate on the 25th day of the month preceding the date the contract was executed.

Exemptions From the Usury Law

However, there are numerous exemptions, some of which are specifically set forth in the Constitution, Article XV, section 1, and some of which the Constitution has authorized the Legislature to promulgate. Together, these include:

(1) Institutions in the business of lending money. These include banks, loan associations, credit unions, licensed pawnbrokers, personal property brokers and industrial loan companies.

(2) Loans made or arranged by a licensed real estate broker, which are secured in whole or in part by a lien on real property. The real estate broker need not be acting in his licensed capacity on behalf of a buyer or seller of real property; he is exempt, even if he is acting only in the capacity of a principal in the transaction. However, a loan made or arranged by licensed real estate agent is not exempt.

(3) An evidence of indebtedness of $300,000 or more issued under a Corporate Securities Law qualification.

(4) A loan to a borrower who has total assets of at least $2 million.

(5) Loans made by specified institutions who are authorized to act as trustees in a fiduciary capacity.

(6) Licensed finance lenders.

The fact that certain loans are exempt from the general usury law does not necessarily mean that the lender may charge whatever interest rate he or she wishes. Many of the usury exemption laws place a cap on the interest rate which may be charged under the statute providing the exemption.

As an example, a licensed pawnbroker may not charge or receive compensation at a rate exceeding the sum of 3% per month on the unpaid balance and a charge of $3 a month if the 3% a month charge is less than $3. Industrial loans are limited to 2% a month on loans up to $1,000 and 1% a month on the balance in excess of $1,000. The statute exempting loans secured by real property also contain detailed provisions for maximum charges on such loans. However, these limitations do not apply in the event the loans exceed specified amounts – for instance, $2,500 or more for loans by licensed pawn broker, $5,000 for industrial loans, loans secured by first mortgages of $30,000 or more and loans secured by second mortgages of $20,000 or more.

The California Finance Lenders Law

This statute exempts many individuals and institutions from the usury laws. The more common examples include (1) banks and similar institutions, (2) persons who make five or fewer commercial loans in a 12-month period, if the loans are not the main business of the lender and are only incidental to the lender’s principal business, and (3) a person who makes only one commercial loan in a 12-month period.

These are but a few of the exemptions under the Finance Lenders Law. Many other individuals and entities are exempt from the usury law, as are many specified types of transactions, regardless of whether the individuals and entities engaging in them are themselves exempt. See Financial Code sections 22050 et. seq.

Penalties for Violation of the Usury Laws

Because usury is against public policy, a lender’s good faith belief that a loan is lawful will not protect him from application of the penalties for engaging in a usurious loan transaction. All interest charged under a usurious loan is null and void and a borrower need not pay it. To the extent a borrower has paid usurious interest to the lender, the borrower may sue the lender to recover that interest so long as he does so within the relevant limitations period.

A borrower who pays usurious interest must sue to recover that interest withing two years of payment of that interest. If the borrower sued to recover interest paid within one year of filing suit, he may recover three times the interest he paid.

The general rule is that a lender is entitled to recover the principal he has loaned, regardless of the usurious nature of the loan. Many usurious loans are memorialized in writing. A borrower’s failure to repay such a loan is a breach of a written contract. The statute of limitations for bringing an action for breach of contract is four years. If a lender files a breach of contract action more than two years but less than four years after a borrower defaults on the loan, the borrower may assert usury as an affirmative defense to the lender’s claims for interest. That is because the two-year statute of limitations applies only to a claim for recovery of interest. It does not apply to a defense against the lender’s claim for recovery of usurious interest.

There are exceptions to the general rule that a lender may recover the principal amount of the loan. There are a few statutes which provide that the entire loan contact is void, and that the lender may not recover principal or interest. The main one is the California Finance Lenders Law, which nullifies the entire loan agreement if the violation is willful.

The Law Office of William J. Tucker is familiar with the usury laws, and provides free initial phone consultations to borrowers and lenders who have issues concerning loan transactions. Feel free to Schedule an Appointment.

Usury – The General Rule and its Exemptions | William J. Tucker Law (2024)


What are the exceptions to usury laws? ›

When you consider who is exempt from usury laws, the most common loan providers are institutions. Institutions that provide consumer loans are typically exempt from usury laws. Institutions include banks, savings and loans, credit unions, licensed pawnbrokers, licensed finance lenders, and personal property brokers.

Which of the following are exempt from the usury law? ›

What Lenders are exempt from the Usury Law? The majority of California or federally licensed lending institutions involved in the business of making loans (e.g., banks, credit unions, California Finance Lenders, etc.) are exempt from California's Usury Laws.

Which is an example of a loan that is a common exception to usury law --? ›

The usury laws do not apply to any real estate broker if the loan is secured by real estate. This applies whether or not he or she is acting as a real estate broker. The limitations also do not apply to most lending institutions such as banks, credit unions, finance companies, pawn brokers, etc.

What is the main purpose of a usury law? ›

Usury laws aim to protect consumers from predatory lending and high-interest rates. Individual states in the U.S. set usury laws for their region. 18th-century American colonies established the first usury laws in the United States.

What does a usury law restrict the amount of? ›

Usury laws set a limit on the amount of interest that can be charged on different kinds of loans. While most states have usury laws, national banks can charge the highest interest rate allowed in the bank's home state — not the cardholder's.

How much interest is considered usury? ›

CALIFORNIA: The legal rate of interest is 10% for consumers; the general usury limit for non-consumers is more than 5% greater than the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco's rate.

What is forbidden usury? ›

In many historical societies including ancient Christian, Jewish, and Islamic societies, usury meant the charging of interest of any kind, and was considered wrong, or was made illegal. During the Sutra period in India (7th to 2nd centuries BC) there were laws prohibiting the highest castes from practicing usury.

Do usury laws apply to private loans? ›

Usury laws apply to private loans that are made for credit cards, loans, and other reasons. Summary: The law limits the amount of interest that can be charged on a loan. Usury laws apply to private loans and all types of loans except commercial loans.

How can we avoid usury laws? ›

How to Avoid Usury Liability
  1. Give written notice to your borrower when applicable. ...
  2. Build usury savings clauses in your loan agreements. ...
  3. Be aware of your lending state's regulations. ...
  4. Allow the borrower to calculate their principal and interest. ...
  5. Know what specific charges are considered “interest”
Dec 16, 2020

Is usury a federal crime? ›

Lending money at an unreasonably high rate of interest. Usury is regulated and enforced primarily by state usury laws, including the rate of interest determined to be usurious. However, there are federal laws that may also apply, including the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (18 U.S.C.

What is an example of a loan exception? ›

Some common examples of commercial loan document exceptions include missing or incomplete information, such as a borrower's tax returns or financial statements. In these cases, the lender may need to request additional information from the borrower in order to complete the loan application.

Is usury a tort? ›

Similarly, while the court observed that the caselaw is mixed on the issue, the court ultimately found the usury claim was contractual in nature and not a tort.

What happens if usury law is violated? ›

Penalties for Usury

The penalty may include the lender having to return all interest to the borrower, most often with additional fees added on. The fees usually amount to more than the interest the creditor would have received. Violators may also be subject to jail time.

Why is usury a sin? ›

Usury is the sin of forcing borrowers to pay money for nothing. In the feudal economy, when the costs of administering a loan, inflation, default risk, and opportunity cost were zero, or nearly so, any interest was considered unjustified, and so any interest was considered usury.

Why are credit cards exempt from usury laws? ›

Usury Law Limits

Credit cards represent one of the most notable exemptions. That's because a 1978 court decision let card issuers charge every cardholder the highest rate allowed in the state where the issuer was based. That included borrowers in states where usury laws set lower standards.

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