Easy Pickled Brussels Sprouts Recipe (Water Bath Canning) (2024)

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This Pickled Brussels Sprouts recipe is a real twist on your typical pickle!

Ever tried Pickled Brussels Sprouts? If you’re looking for an interesting and delicious twist on traditional pickles, try this Pickled Brussels Sprouts recipe. I’ve included canning instructions too.

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Easy Pickled Brussels Sprouts Recipe (Water Bath Canning) (1)

Maybe you grow Brussels Sprouts in your garden. Or, perhaps you found a fantastic sale at the grocery store.

Maybe you picked up a large bag of Brussels Sprouts at the local farm market this year? Why not pickle some of them?

We have all heard that Brussels Sprouts (or any cabbage) are very good for our health.Brussels Sprouts have many health benefits including, possibly protection from cancer.

Easy Pickled Brussels Sprouts Recipe (Water Bath Canning) (2)

They are full of antioxidants and they help maintain healthy sugar levels in the body.They are high in Vitamin K, contain Omega 3’s, protein and Vitamin C and can help to reduce inflammation.

I found Brussels Sprouts on sale at the store and grabbed a couple of pounds so I could preserve them by pickling.

How to Pickle Brussels Sprouts

Easy Pickled Brussels Sprouts Recipe (Water Bath Canning) (3)

First thing was to gather my canning supplies. I grabbed my large stock pot and clean pint jars. This recipe makes about 5 pints.

I got some water boiling in a large stock pot and sterilized the jars by leaving them in the boiling water for 15 minutes.

Meanwhile, in a large pot I mixed the pickling solution. I set this to boil on the stove and turned it down to a simmer once it was at a boil.

I put the canning seals in hot water and left them there until they were needed.

Preparing Brussels Sprouts for Pickles

Easy Pickled Brussels Sprouts Recipe (Water Bath Canning) (4)

To prepare the Brussels Sprouts, I cut the ends off and removed the outer leaves. Then I cut each Sprout in half lengthwise.

Easy Pickled Brussels Sprouts Recipe (Water Bath Canning) (5)

Cutting the Brussel Sprouts in half will allow the pickling flavour to go right through the sprout. Sprouts are very dense so this will help.

After cutting, I put them in a bowl of water with some salt sprinkled in and left them alone for about 15 minutes.

Easy Pickled Brussels Sprouts Recipe (Water Bath Canning) (6)

When the jars were sterilized, I filled each jar with the Sprouts and added the garlic and cayenne pepper.Truth is, I added more than the recipe called for.

And you CAN do this when you make pickles. As long as you never vary the amount of vinegar, you can add other veggies, spices and herbs to your pickles. Not a problem at all.

Just NEVER vary the amount of vinegar!

Easy Pickled Brussels Sprouts Recipe (Water Bath Canning) (7)

After the jars were filled, I added the pickling liquid, leaving about 1/2 inch head room in each jar.

Then, wipe rims of canning jars with a wet paper towel to remove anything on the jar rim that can interfere with the sealing.

Add the seals and put on the rings. Tighten the jars.

Making Refrigerator Pickled Brussel Sprouts

If you have halved the recipe or adjusted the recipe to make only one or two jars of pickled brussels sprouts, you can now set them in the fridge.

Let the brine do its thing over the next two weeks, then open up a jar and try one of the sprout halves. If they are strong enough for you, then you can start eating them up!

Or you can decide to leave them alone in the fridge for another week, then try them again. It’s your choice.

Pickled brussels sprouts stored in the fridge will last for several months; they may get stronger in flavor but they will still be just as delicious!

Water BathCanning Pickled Brussels Sprouts

Water bath canning is the easiest (and fastest) way to can food. Just follow the rules for safety and you will have no problems.

Use a rack on the bottom of the canner to keep the jars from sitting directly on the bottom of the canner.

Using a canning jar lifter, I carefully set each jar in the large stockpot of boiling water. Put the lid back on and wait for the water to come back to boiling.

Set a timer for 10 minutes (depends on your altitude – we are at 2850 feet, so I give everything an extra 5 minutes in the canner).

Easy Pickled Brussels Sprouts Recipe (Water Bath Canning) (8)

Once the time is up, remove the jars again using the jar lifter. Place jars on a towel on the counter – somewhere where they can sit undisturbed for 24 hours.

Once they are settled, do not move the jars. Leave them alone and wait. Soon you will hear a pinging sound as each of the jars seals.

After 24 hours, check your seals to be sure they did seal.If a jar didn’t seal, you have two options.

Either can it again in boiling water or just put the jar in the fridge.These pickles take several days for that zingy flavour to set in.

You can store your canned jars of Pickled Brussels Sprouts in a cool dark place. They will last for years but you will likely enjoy them before then.

Spices and Herbs to use in Pickled Brussel Sprouts

Easy Pickled Brussels Sprouts Recipe (Water Bath Canning) (9)

You can use a variety of herbs and spices in your jars of Brussel sprouts – for example, consider adding any or all of these:

How to use Pickled Brussels Sprouts

Serve Pickled Brussels Sprouts on a condiment tray, along with other pickles.

Skewer them to make an awesome addition to a Caesar or Bloody Mary.

Serve them alongside meat dishes, like roasted pork.

Easy Pickled Brussels Sprouts Recipe (Water Bath Canning) (10)

Easy Pickled Brussels Sprouts Recipe

Yield: 5 jars

Prep Time: 20 minutes

Cook Time: 10 minutes

Additional Time: 1 day

Total Time: 1 day 30 minutes

If you like pickles, you will love Pickled Brussels Sprouts. Great to serve on a pickle tray or on a skewer alongside a Caesar or Bloody Mary.


  • 2 pounds Brussel Sprouts
  • 5 cloves garlic (1 per jar)
  • 5 hot Cayenne peppers (I used dried, but you can certainly use fresh)
  • 5 cups vinegar
  • 5 cups water
  • 7 tablespoons pickling salt
  • Spices (optional)


  1. Set a stock pot of water on stove to boil with 5 canning jars set inside. Let boil for 15 minutes to sterilize the jars.
  2. Set canning jar seals in hot water and leave until you are ready for them.
  3. Trim ends of Brussels Sprouts and remove outer leaves.
  4. Cut each Sprout in half lengthwise.
  5. Let Brussels Sprouts sit in a bowl of cool salted water for 15 minutes.
  6. In a large pot, mix the vinegar, water and pickling salt. Bring to a boil, then turn down and let simmer for 10 minutes.
  7. After jars are sterilized, fill them with Brussels Sprouts. Add garlic cloves and hot peppers. Add the pickling brine, leaving 1/2 inch of headroom in each jar.
  8. Clean rim of each jar using a moistened paper towel.
  9. Put the seals on the jars and then add the rings. Tighten jars.
  10. Use a canning jar lifter to carefully set the jars in the boiling water.
  11. Set timer for 15 minutes and let the water boil.
  12. After the time, carefully remove the jars and let them sit on the counter.
  13. Do not move the jars for 24 hours.
  14. Listen for each jar to ping, meaning it has properly sealed.
  15. If a jar remains unsealed, either can it again or place in refrigerator to use first.


Let pickled Brussels Sprouts sit for several days or a week before using. This will enhance the pickle flavour.

Nutrition Information:

Yield: 20Serving Size: 2
Amount Per Serving:Calories: 31Total Fat: 0gSaturated Fat: 0gTrans Fat: 0gUnsaturated Fat: 0gCholesterol: 0mgSodium: 43mgCarbohydrates: 4gFiber: 1gSugar: 1gProtein: 1g

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Easy Pickled Brussels Sprouts Recipe (Water Bath Canning) (11)

Easy Pickled Brussels Sprouts Recipe (Water Bath Canning) (12)

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Easy Pickled Brussels Sprouts Recipe (Water Bath Canning) (2024)


How long can you soak brussel sprouts in water? ›

It won't take a lot -- just add 1 tablespoon of salt per 1 quart of water and toss in trimmed and halved Brussels sprouts. Soaking the sprouts in salt water doesn't take long --10 to 30 minutes is plenty long enough to soften up the centers.

What is the ratio of vinegar to water for pickling? ›

The basic ratio for quick pickles is 1:1 vinegar to water, and includes some combination of salt and sugar. Another ratio that is commonly followed is the 3:2:1 method, using three parts vinegar, two parts water, and 1 part sugar.

What is the ratio of vinegar to water for canning? ›

In modern home canning, the accepted rule of thumb for safe vinegar / water pickling solutions is that the vinegar should be of at least 5% acidity, and that the vinegar ratio in that mix should be a minimum of 50%. So that is, 50 % of 5% acid vinegar / 50% water.

How long do you pressure can brussel sprouts? ›

The altitude adjustments for canning pickled brussels sprouts are as follows:
  1. Under 1,000 Feet - Process jars for 10 minutes.
  2. 1,001 to 6,000 Feet - Process jars for 15 minutes.
  3. Above 6,00 Feet - Process jars for 20 minutes.
Dec 11, 2022

How many hours should we soak sprouts in water? ›

The norm is 8-12 hours, but some soak for only 20 minutes, some occasionally soak in warm or hot water and for more or less time - Check the seed information pages for the seeds you are sprouting. Skim off any non-seeds that are floating on the water*.

How long do you leave sprouts in water? ›

That is, if you put ½ cup of seeds in the jar, you should add 1 cup of water. After 12-16 hours, drain off the water. Rinse the seeds with more lukewarm water and drain them again thoroughly. From this point on, you will not let the seeds or sprouts soak in water again.

What is the basic pickling formula? ›

The classic ratio is super easy to remember and is easily scale-able depending on how many pickles you're making. It's 100% vinegar, 50% water, 25% sugar and 12.5% kosher salt by weight. So for example, 200g vinegar, 100g water, 50g sugar and 25g kosher salt (again, you can scale this up or down!).

Will vinegar prevent botulism? ›

Because vinegar is high in acid, it does not support the growth of Clostridium botulinum bacteria. However, some vinegars may support the growth of Escherichia coli bacteria. Infused oils have the potential to support the growth of C. botulinum bacteria.

How to avoid botulism when pickling? ›

Making sure enough vinegar is added to the cucumbers is important to make safe pickles; Clostridium botulinum can grow in improperly canned, pickled foods with a pH higher than 4.6. It is critical to use scientifically tested recipes for making pickles to ensure their safety.

Do you dilute vinegar for pickling? ›

Do not dilute vinegar unless the recipe specifies. The vinegar prevents botulism. Some very old recipes were based on a pickling vinegar of 10% strength. Using today's 5% vinegar in an old recipe that called for a 10% acid vinegar can possibly lead to an unsafe product because of the lower acid content.

What vinegar is best for canning? ›

University of Illinois Extension urges home canners to buy vinegar with 5% acidity for continued safe canning. If you have used diluted vinegar of 4% acidity or less in home canning, throw out those canned foods.

Can you use apple cider vinegar in water bath canning? ›

Yes, apple cider or white distilled vinegar, but the pickles may taste best with the recommended type in the recipe. Apple cider vinegar is milder and offers a different flavor note than white distilled vinegar. Any vinegar should be at least five percent acetic acid.

What is the best way to preserve Brussels sprouts? ›

You can store Brussels sprouts in a perforated plastic bag for up to a week. Brussels sprouts can well when pickled. For pickling recipe, visit http://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/he291. If you don't pickle them, then freeze them.

How do you preserve fresh brussel sprouts? ›

Arrange the sprouts in a single layer in a jelly-roll pan or rimmed baking pan. Roast for about 40 minutes, or until tender, shaking the pan frequently to turn the sprouts. Remove to a rack and let the sprouts cool completely. Transfer the cooled sprouts to resealable freezer bags or containers.

When not to use brussel sprouts? ›

If any of the leaves have brown spots or are yellowing, it's a sign of early spoilage. If you remove the blemished leaves and the interior looks OK, you can still use the sprout. However, if the interior leaves are also showing blemishes or yellowing, it's best to toss it (or compost it, if you can).

Can you soak sprouts for too long? ›

With leafy sprouts and Brassica sprouts you should Soak no longer than 1 1/2 hours. For grains 3-4 hours. For beans the time varies - you should count on 4 at least and as many as 12 hours.

Is it okay to leave Brussels sprouts in water overnight? ›

1. Trim the sprouts then cut ¾ through the top of the sprout, but not right through. 2. Place in iced water and leave overnight in the fridge if you can.

Can I soak Brussels sprouts in water overnight? ›

Don't soak sprouts before cooking them, they don't need it. Rinse before cooking, and if you want to store them ready-prepped but them in a reusable bag or container in the fridge.

Is it OK to leave sprouts in water overnight? ›

Step 2: Soak in ample room temperature water in a roomy bowl 6 hours to (ideally) overnight. The seeds often sprout at different times, so I like to keep them separate.

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Name: Margart Wisoky

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